Monday, January 2, 2012

My dear cute and wonderful boys keep things very amusing around the Tarsi house. Little Jake is full of personality and opinion. Yesterday and today he was very dramatic on insisting to wear his monkey pajama shirt all day long. Today I gave in. Pick your battles, right? He also noticed a pair of boots in his closet and made a special request to wear them. He had to keep them on all day! It was a struggle to get them off at nap time. The promise to put them back on when he woke up was comfort he needed. I have to admit he looked rather cute is the outfit he picked out. My Evanicci is getting bigger each day and while out to dinner he noticed all the tiny babies in the restaurant then gently rubbed my belly telling me there was a baby in there too! Evan and Jake are both going to be terrific big brothers to the new baby! I love my family so much! Thank you Lord!!!

1 comment:

Robin Lyles said...

Adorable! Jake has a great sense of style...and what a grin!! Can't believe how big they are! Miss you guys.