Saturday, February 27, 2010

We just had Jake's 1 month doctors appointment and he is getting big. He is 10.91 lbs and 22.5 inches long. All else checked out well with him too!
Thankfully most of the snow has melted and we have been able to get outside. Jake loves being in the Bjorn and so we can take walks while I push Evan in the stroller. Today we went to the park and it was so nice to be outside! We got to play for a full hour! Earlier in the week we only lasted 10 minutes at the park due to the frigid air and strong winds. I love being able to take my boys outside for fresh air and activity. It is not only good for them but it is therapeutic for me. To get out of the house and enjoy the sun is so energizing! It really makes me happy!
Aunt Casey is coming to visit today! Looking forward to sharing the weekend with her!

1 comment:

Ivey Family said...

I can't believe how fast time flies! Jake is perfect and I can't wait to meet him! Hope the transition is going smoothly and Evan is loving the big brother role!