Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Life is good! Evan is growing so quickly and is just so much fun to watch! He is exploring on his own now and finds anything that isn't a toy to go grab and chew on.  I think one of his favorites is the electrical cord from the TV! Trying to teach him that isn't a toy almost seems like a game to him. I say "No. That isn't a toy" and pull him away.  He then goes right back over.  This happens many times until I find something that catches his interest more than the cord! 
  Evan still gets tucked into bed by 7:00 and then Adam and I make some kind of fun dinner and get to catch up and then have down time for just us! It is nice to put so much attention towards Evan while he is awake but we also appreciate the time to ourselves after he is tucked in to bed.  We are a very happy family and feel so blessed!  Thank you God -for it all!

1 comment:

Courtney D said...

Kel- I LOVE your perspective on every.single.thing! It is such a joy to peek in on your lovely life! You, Adam and Evan deserve every tiny little bit of the beautiful life you share!! (I'm gonna go hug the hubby now!!)