Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Growing up!

Evan is now getting new flavors and food! Being that it is just formula, it may not seem too exciting, but before he was exclusively being fed breast milk. We could tell that Evan was extra hungry and I couldn't supply enough milk so we decided to supplement. We also gave rice cereal a try but only gave it to him 3 times. I decided to wait until we talk to the pediatrician at his 6 month check up before adding it on a regular basis.  Thankfully he is enjoying the formula and it is keeping him satisfied!  
 Speaking of the 6 month appointment...Wow...I can't believe a half of a year has gone by! Our newborn baby boy is growing up sooooo fast! It is amazing to see him be so aware of his surroundings and he is using his hands to grab objects and of course immediately put them in his mouth! He laughs and smiles so much even while teething and this week all the chewing and drooling paid off, his first tooth showed up! He is practicing for crawling too! He scootches about and gets up on his knees but doesn't have it all coordinated yet.  Evan is my constant entertainment and joy! I love watching him learn and discover and when he smiles at me or Adam it is just the most wonderful feeling! 

1 comment:

Stacia said...

What sweet pictures! Keep your posting up... I need to see what's going on in my nephew's world - and yours! Love you and miss you!