Tuesday, September 16, 2008

God is Good!

 Our little baby boy Evan has been such a blessing! Adam and I spend a lot of time just looking at his adorable face in amazement and awe. He is so super cute and just find him to be the most precious gift from God. 
 Yesterday we went to the doctors for the first time and everything went well. He is already back to his birth weight and grew 1.1 inches! After the doctors we went to the grocery store. I tried to feed him in the Jeep at the Safeway parking lot but he ended up having a wet diaper that leaked on me. So we went home, I changed my shirt, Adam changed Evan's diaper, and back to Safeway we went. Evan slept the whole time and it was fun to have him with us while we were grocery shopping. We were so happy that he did so well on his first big day out of the house!
 Last night Daddy and Evan watched the Eagles game.  Although, the game ended without the Eagles winning it was super cute to see my boys watching the game together.
 We are so happy with our baby boy and have been enjoying each minute with him! God is so good!


Anonymous said...

I guess Evan's first big game was a great one to watch, save the Eagles losing.

Unknown said...

This comment was made in the hospital while we were waiting to meet Evan..."he's going to be chanting Go Eagles! in no time"...haha...seems like he is on that path!